So – you need a filling. OK, this is annoying but very different to the fillings of old.

Why Do We Need Fillings?

If you need a filling (or “plastic restoration” as we call them officially) then it will be because you have dental decay in one of your teeth. This is like rust in
the wing of a car – once it starts, it will not stop, until the wing/tooth falls to pieces. In the case of a tooth this can involve pain and distress.

Another reason is that a pre-existing filling is leaking or broken or totally missing.

How Are Fillings Placed?

Nowadays the procedure is pretty simple.

We will give you a local anaesthetic (if you want one) to ensure you feel nothing. And remember if you want us to stop the procedure at any time, just
wave your hand and we`ll stop.When you are numb we will use the “drill” which is totally unlike the ones used many years ago. It buzzes a great deal and sprays cooling water over the site.

We suck the water away with a small hose like instrument. It stops you drowning.

When the resulting cavity is clean and empty of dental decay, we then set to work with a mix of adhesives, runny “flowable” filling materials, and normal
filling materials that handle like tooth coloured Plasticene. These are usually set with a small, very bright light. They are trimmed and polished to your
comfort, and that`s it. Bob`s your uncle. They can, like ANY dental or medical procedure, be uncomfortable for a few days afterwards, but usually settle down.

We use white filling materials mostly. The older amalgam grey metal ones are rarely used though they are very useful occasionally. The white ones can be
matched very closely to your tooth colours and last well. They do take longer to place than an old metal one though.

We Are Here To Help You

There you are. It is nothing like the 1960`s if you remember those days, and better than ever. If you are worried you may need a filling or for us to check over a tooth, please do not hesitate to call us today.

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